Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sometimes, you just have to kick something...

So, I'm going to be totally transparent here: I had a REALLY crap-tastic week, which lead to a carb-tastic diet. My week started out on Sunday with some really tough personal choices that I had to make. I am lucky enough to have such great people in my life to help me walk through those tough situations and help me make the "right" choice for my walk with God and for my life. Although it was a super emotional choice, I know at the end of it, I made the right choice. Monday, I had my first mental block when it comes to pull ups (read previous blog for more details). Tuesday was pretty good... I actually think that's when I PRd with my Front Squat 78kg, which just so happen to make the record board :-) I can feel my strength increasing like no tomorrow and I love it. Unfortunately, my endurance is not catching up as much. Anyway, Wednesday totally threw a loop for my training as I got a REALLY strange stomach bug. I threw up like 3 times in the morning and the rest of the day, although I was able to keep food down, I felt weak and queesey. Thursday morning I felt better and decided to hit The Fort, which I'm SO glad I did because it was another WOD where I got to practice my Double Unders in an AMRAP and I am very pleased with how I did, since I just got semi-cozy with my DUs a couple weeks ago. 

Anyway, to the main event: Friday! I knew I would HATE the WOD because my brother warned me about it... And I did pretty much hate every second of it. My awesome coach, challenged me  in the last round to try unassisted pull-ups again. I got the first few, but after some more thrusters, my mind drew a blank again. It's like I got up to the bar, knew I was struggling with this, and couldn't do it. I was trying and trying and trying and I could NOT get my chin over the bar. I finally got ticked off enough that I kicked the box I was using prior to help me get in the band. Yup! You heard me right: I KICKED IT! AND I'D DO IT AGAIN! Sometimes, you just have to kick things to feel better and let out your anger! I lost for my cool, ripped my hand, and got so ticked off that I just kicked it. I finished the WOD fuming and frustrated with myself and I just stood on the box (yes, the same one I kicked), cried, and tried to listen while my coach and others were encouraging me. Once my usual, rational side of me came back, I felt foolish, apologized, and said appropriate thank yous. I feel like I am strong enough to do pull ups, but for some reason, mentally, it's not coming.  Grrrrrrr... Anyway, actions have consequences. This was mine:

Yup... Sprained my ankle! Although, Friday night, it didn't feel like that! I got home from dinner with my teacher mentor, and it started aching a little bit. So, I iced it. Well, as the night went on, the pain got worse. So much to the point that I was laying in my bed, crying/screaming in pain, and thinking it was broken. After some research, I decided just to treat it like a sprain and see what happened in the morning. When I woke up in the morning, the throbbing was gone, and I was able put weight on it and walk on it. I spent the day treating it, minus making up a sit up and hand stand push up WOD since that doesn't require ankle use AND since I had to miss Oly Class and Team Saturday. I was lucky enough to be able to attend two friend's wedding last night. The pain was bearable and my ankle stood up nicely while dancing mostly on one leg. However, the outfit that I had to sport, was not my first choice. I knew heels would be out of the question and instead of rockin' some fabulous heels, I rocked an ACE bandage and flip flops... I know, I'm REAL classy! LOL!
My diet this week was absolute crap. Not going to lie! I am an emotional sweets eater as it is, combine that with a difficult week, plus I got my "monthly" friend this week (sorry if that's TMI, but I warned you it was SUPER transparent) = LOTS of carbs! I made paleo-friedly-cookies and ate LOTS of 70% dark chocolate and LOTS of fruit! As a result, I'm up 3 pounds (the 3 I lost two weeks ago). I'm hoping that with honing in on my diet this week, that they will come back off. It doesn't help that my mom bought me my FAVORITE treat: 64% cocoa dark chocolate covered almonds. I LOVE her dearly and I love that she knows me so well, but I also have very MINIMAL self-control when it comes to chocolate.
I know my love of all things carbs is one of the reasons why my weight loss is very much on a plateau and I'm sure doesn't help with my performance at CrossFit. Once these Almonds are gone (which it won't be long), I'm going cold turkey without chocolate. Just something I need to do for a while. Maybe until work starts back up again in August... Haven't fully decided, but I need to view treats, even Paleo-friendly-treats, as a TREAT, NOT an everyday part of my diet!

Anyway, despite my craptastic week, there were a FEW bright spots that I don't want to go unnoticed: 

  • Front Squat PR
  • Power Snatch PR
  • Double Unders used again in a WOD
  • Extra Credit Rowing
  • Midnight showing of Harry Potter
  • A stranger telling me that my legs are "jacked"
  • The wedding.
With that being said, I would like to say "Congratulations" to John and Kirsten! There is NO DOUBT that God ordained your relationship from the beginning! I feel so blessed to be such a part of your lives and to have shared such a wonderful day with you! I love you both and am praying for your new life together as a married couple! God's love shines through your love for one another :-)

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