Monday, July 11, 2011

Mental Block!

I have only been CrossFitting for about 5 months now and as I was looking through my WOD book last week, the progress that I have made is CRAZY! I went from scaling from B or C, slowly to A, and now RXing almost every WOD (with a little bit of scaling like bands or boxes for HSPU), makes me feel very proud of my progress. However, as proud as I am of my progress, the longer I CrossFit, the longer my list of things I need to work on becomes. Here are just a few of them:

  • Pull ups
  • Double Unders
  • Burpees
  • Rowing
  • Running
  • Toes to Bar
  • Hand Stand Push ups (HSPU)
One character flaw of mine is that I am SUPER hard on myself. If I don't get something, I get really frustrated, which causes a mental block. I have hit a few mental blocks since starting CF and have been able to push through pretty easily. However, I have hit a block that I have not been able to get over. Since my CF box did Fran and I felt like a cheater, I vowed that I would work on pull ups everyday. I also decided to hone in on Double Unders as well. My Double Unders have come a long way and I can't wait to get to use them in a WOD again! And last week, I thought I had FINALLY at long last gotten my pull ups! I was so excited to be able to string 5 together that I vowed to myself that the NEXT pull up WOD, I would go unassisted. 

My CrossFit thoughts were heard and I thought today would have been the PERFECT day to do it! It was a 12 min. AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) of 7 HSPU and 12 pull-ups. An AMRAP?!?! Should be the perfect time to try my pull ups. I knew it would be tricky because it was super hot and muggy and that there would probably be a LOT of slippage on the bar, but I told myself, "Even if I have to get one pull up at a time, I'm doing this without a band!" Well, that was IF I could get one pull up... I couldn't even get one! So, I quickly grabbed a band, and could only string together like 2 at a time! What the heck was the deal here? My coach was telling me that I wasn't using my shoulders like I should in my kip, but for some reason, my body wasn't letting me. It was like there was a disconnect between what my mind KNEW to do from practice and what was actually happening with my body. It was the strangest and most frustrating experience that I have had since Fran a month ago.

I know a part of it is my fault because once I get frustrated with myself, it's difficult for me to shake it off and get back at it. I think I was just so frustrated that I have been practicing so much and didn't feel like I had anything to show for it. And not to anyone else, but to myself. I needed to prove to myself that I could do it and I failed. I actually had to fight back tears during the WOD. So, today, I am reminding myself WHY I fight through and WHY I CrossFit. I CrossFit because (amongst many other reasons)...
  • It's a challenge
  • There are great people to do it with
  • It takes me out of my comfort zone
  • It pushes me to the limit
  • It's a freaking AMAZING workout
  • It has gotten me in better shape than I was in high school when I played 3 sports
  • IT'S FUN!
I CrossFit because it's fun! I need to take myself at CrossFit less seriously! Generally in life, I don't take myself seriously (I laugh a LOT at silly things I do), but for some reason, at times, like today, at CrossFit, I take myself too seriously. I just need to relax and not get so down on myself. Should I still practice and try different things? Yes! Absolutely! I got some solid advice from a fellow CrossFitter who told me to practice different movements along with pull ups. So, tomorrow, I'm going to get right back at it, except take that advice; Maybe I will try 5 push ups and 5 pull ups. Or, since I need to work on rowing, maybe I will row 500 meters and do 5 pull ups. I think doing two movements together is what is freaking me out. I need to get over this mental block and remember that I CrossFit because it's fun!

I'm so grateful for the people at CrossFit Fire, who won't allow this mental block to get the best of me and for constantly supporting me and offering solid advice. I will get through this and I will WOD with unassisted pull ups very shortly! Just wait and see :-)

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