Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Acceptance/CFGames 2011/Shrinking

As I'm getting ready to leave for my family vacation, I realized it's been a while since I've blogged and as usual, I've got a LOT to say! This shouldn't surprise anyone :-)

For those of you who don't know, I've been struggling with my pull ups these last couple of weeks. It's been frustrating because I KNOW I'm strong enough to do this... Heck, I can jerk 67kg. However, something about the kipping in the pull ups is really throwing me off lately. So, I decided to accept the fact that my pull ups just aren't WOD ready. Although I can string 5 together, that doesn't mean they are ready for a WOD. I've been going back to the band to work on my kip and working dead hangs to continue building my upper body strength. Once I get back from vacation, I plan on doing mini-WODs after my workout that include pull ups in them to work on stringing together multiple movements. I've accepted the fact that right now, my pull ups aren't ready, but I refuse to allow that to define me as an athlete! I do not plan on accepting this for long. I'm giving myself another month to re-evaluate where my pull ups are at.

As I've moved beyond frustration and into acceptance, I couldn't help but to reflect on how this carries on in my life outside of CrossFit. There are many areas in my life that I need to learn to accept where I am now. That doesn't mean I don't do anything about it, but I have to learn contentment. So, my challenge for you: what are areas of your life that you need to accept with where you're at right now? What do you need to do to move forward?

For those of you living outside of the CrossFit world this weekend, it might comes as news to you that the Games took place this weekend to find the fittest team, man, and woman on the Earth. It was thrilling to be able to watch the live feed all weekend long. I was hooked! I started reading up about how far CrossFit has come and I am simple astonished. It truly is amazing! I have no doubt that CrossFit is the future of sports and is here to stay! It is going to continue to grow. Why? There are MANY reasons as to why, but I am convinced it has to do with the character of the athletes and community. One of the best parts is seeing the first competitor finish stay and cheer on the last competitor. Only in CrossFit will you get the audience cheering louder for the last person to finish than the first person. Only in CrossFit can you see two "rivals" hug after a competition. I might be new to the sport of CrossFit, but this is what makes it stand out amongst every other sport; it is super apparent to me that CrossFit is here to stay and I am super grateful to be a part of it!

On a personal level, I am even more determined to work on my weaknesses. One day, I hope to get to the games as a competitor. Sounds crazy and probably not a realistic goal, but you've gotta work towards something, right? So, I am! Everyday after class, I am trying to work on a couple of weaknesses in order to make me a stronger person, CrossFitter, and competitor. I know I have a LONG way to go (heck... I couldn't even make it through running today without walking during our WOD), but I absolutely LOVE CrossFit and will do what I need to do as an athlete. Next year, I can almost guarantee I won't be competing, but you bet your butt that I am planning on going out to Cali next summer to watch the athletes I look up to. I am inspired beyond measure and am so glad I got to watch! I could go on and on and on and on about how jaw dropping it was to watch, but words won't do it justice :-)

I have been eating paleo and CrossFitting since February. I lost the first 20 relatively easy. Then, I hit a month plateau, adjusted my diet and lost another 12. Since June, I have only lost 5 pounds. I knew that the weight would become increasingly difficult to come off as I got more lean muscle, but I couldn't help but to be discouraged. Then, I thought about the big picture: in 5 months, I've lost 37 pounds! That's CRAZY! Not only have I been losing weight, but my strength is increasing! I know when many people loose weight, their PRs go down... Guess I'm an exception! Although it may have taken me 2 months to loose 5 pounds, I'm more than happy with that because I went down ANOTHER pant size! What's crazier than losing that much weight is that I went from a size 14 to a size 6! It's official... I'm a size 6 and darn happy with that! Not only do size 6 pants fit, but there's room to spare! I don't think I've been a size 6 since I was in Junior High. I'm 5 pounds away from my "goal weight" and you know what... It could take me two more months to loose that, and I am MORE than fine with that! Now, I just gotta figure out how to reorganize my finances to by pretty much a whole new work wardrobe... I could have way worse things to complain about :-)

Alrighty, I have more to say, but I will stop there! Gotta shower and start packing to get ready for vacation! With that said, I have to add that I am a pretty organized person, but I can't help but LOVE the chaos before a BIG trip: laundry needing to be done, last minute errands, boxes with food, packing, check lists, etc. I am lucky enough to have had parents who took us epic road trips growing up... I can't wait to get to do that with my family some day! Ok, I am going to leave now and enter to chaos of getting ready to leave on a road trip with the WHOLE family. The worst part could be the ride down there... Wish me luck!


  1. Sammi....BRAVO! I am soooo proud of you!. It makes me so happy to see how much you have grown, and matured. I'm so happy that you are setting goals for yourself and you are well on your way to reaching them! Don't ever think something like competing in Crossfit is impossible for you....It won't be if that's what you want to do. I have faith in you and I'm praying for you!

    Btw, have fun on your vacation!


  2. Congrats on the weight loss and success you're having with Paleo/Crossfit. Just came across your blog from the #Paleo stream on twitter...and now I'm following!

  3. SAM come to my store and i'll hook you up with clothes!!!!!!!!!!!! miss you lots! great job!
    -kristin :)

  4. Durlon, Thanks a bunch! I really appreciate it! I've come a LONG way since January, not just as far as physical looks, but with who I am in a person. God's preparing me for something HUGE! I know it! I have my first CrossFit competition Oct. 1... Not sure how well I will do, but it'll be a good gage as to where I am as an athlete.
    Mrs. Buck, Thanks for the follow and for taking the time to read this! I appreciate your kind words and support!
    Kristin, I totally gotta get hooked up! LOL! Can I use your discount?

  5. P.S. Mrs. Buck, I'm following you now as well :-) I love that you are "discovering the blisses of becoming a Mrs." SUPER cute!
