Monday, September 5, 2011

Goals and Not Settling

"Don't settle for anything less!" That seems to be the theme of the last week of my life, but that deems the question: Don't settle for anything less than WHAT? Most of that talk has come when it comes to men in my life. I have many people who are telling me not to settle for anything less than the best and what I want when it comes to a man; to keep waiting for the most amazing guy out there. And, I won't! However, when I look at how far I've come in the last couple of months as a person and as an athlete, I can't help but to look at goals I've set. This is totally appropriate because in June, I set some goals and I was going to evaluate them on Labor Day. Well, it's Labor Day and I'm going to do JUST that. Here are the goals I came up with at the beginning of June:

  • Do unassisted pull ups in a WOD
  • Double Unders in a WOD
  • Get down to my goal weight
  • 30 days of clean paleo
  • WOD 5 times a week
  • Not to walk during a running WOD
  • Do almost all WODs RXed (4/5 a week)
  • Get a sub 7:30 mile
  • Finish a 5K in under 27:00
I have achieved MAJORITY of those goals! I haven't achieved one and the other two I just haven't timed myself for. I have not gotten down to my goal weight (2lbs away!), but more about that later and I simply haven't timed myself on my mile run or 5k time... I will be doing that SOON! But, I first would like to celebrate my success! That's a CRAP ton of stuff that I accomplished over the course of 3 MONTHS! I am not the greatest at DUs by any means, but every time they are in a WOD, I go for it and have been able to string together 42! Eating clean paleo for 30 has been the easiest for me... I was pretty dialed in on my nutrition before, so, it wasn't difficult. The only time I really cheated this WHOLE summer was when I went to Florida... I've WODed 5 times a week since June when I started going to Team Saturdays. I stopped walking in WODs in Florida when my brother and I created WODs together and I was trying to keep up with him :-) I've only scaled a handful of times since June as far as reps are concerned, however, I've adjusted to weight a little bit, so, I've scaled as far as that's concerned. The most difficult goal to complete has been with my pull-ups. It's been an awful battle, but I feel like I've started getting into a grove with them. See, I RX the WOD, but if it's a high rep of pull ups, I scale ONLY my pull ups until I get used to them... See proof below :-)
I'm the one to the right in the grey shirt and the black pants. I LOVE that this pic was taken because by looking at the picture, I can tell that I need to poke my head through a little more to open up my shoulders. Again, it goes back to the fact that I have to get used to the rhythm. I'm gonna keep working on these FOR SURE! Soon, I will be able to do them when I RX WODs completely :-)

Now when it comes to my "goal weight", I'm actually not very upset that I'm not there for many reasons! If there's one thing I've realized this summer, it's that numbers, especially on the scaled do NOT matter! Before I went to Florida, I bought size 6 jeans and was STOKED about that! However, recently this past weekend, I randomly tried on size 4 jeans and they FIT! And then I tried on some size 4 dress pants and they fit! I am MORE excited about the fact that I'm freaking in a size 4 than I am sad that I didn't make my goal weight. Do I think that I will get there? Absolutely! Remember? I'm not settling, but, I'm not killing myself to do it! Obviously what I'm doing is working and I even plan on dialing in on my nutrition even MORE as I will be participating in CrossFit Fire's Better Body Challenge starting next week! I can't wait! I will also be posting "progress pictures" within the next week :-)

Now I should start to set some new goals. I'm not sure what they will be quite yet... I'm gonna take the next week to look through my WOD book and will hopefully have my goals decided on within the next week, so, watch out for those! 

A few other fun things that have recently happened that I would like to mention:
1) Our affiliate softball team won their tournament! We played so well and had SO much fun! You could not see a happier group of grown ups than on that night:
2) This past Saturday I participated in the 31 Heros WOD, along with CrossFit boxes around the country. It was a doosey, but I loved every second of it!
So, as far as goal and life goes, I'm done settling! As I keep achieving more as an athlete and as a person, my goals will continue to be raised... These last 7 months since starting CrossFit has been an amazing journey and I can't wait to see what the next 7 bring :-) Ok, I'm out... Laundry folding WOD... 3, 2, 1, GO!

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